Monday, November 24, 2008


Hi hi hi..
Ari ni terjawab segala yang aku tanggung beberapa minggu nih
Serius aku bebetul risau
(Being 1st mom kan)
tetambah lak dengan cakap2 orang tua
Lagi wat aku risau..
Tapi sib baik ada internet
Internet nih bagi aku library dunia,
sumer aku boleh cari dalam nih,
BUkan per..
Aku risau a.k.a tertanya2 naper baby aku tak mo niarap2
Tak mo roll over..
Kalo aku paksa dia niarap
Dia niarap kejap jer pehtu nangies..

Kemuncak kerisauan aku bertambah lagi
MInggu nih, bila ..
Baby aku dah angkat kepala (sambil berbaring nak duduk kaedahnya)
tak mo niarap tapi nak terus duduk
Pehtu nangis suh aku angkat kasi dia duduk..
Dia tak mo ikut step by step
Selalunya baby akan niarap kan
tapi nampaknya baby ayra akan skip meniarap nih
Pasal dia nak terus duduk.. then nak berdiri
siap kaki melangkah bila aku dirikan dia

Ari nih,
Aku tanya kawan aku yang xpert (anak dia dah 2 tahun)
Then dia soh aku masuk website nih
Nah terjawab lah ..
so tak perlu risau lar kan.. lain baby lain progress nya
Asalkan baby sihat ..alhamdulillah

Ini persoalan aku :


Most likely, yes. Some babies can kick themselves from front to back as early as three months, but most need the strong neck and arm muscles they'll have at about five or six months to flip from back to front. If your child looks like he wants to roll over but can't quite do it, you can encourage his developing skill through play. Wiggle a toy next to the side he customarily rolls to in case he's interested enough to try again. Applaud his efforts and smile; he may need your reassurance since new actions can be alarming.If your baby hasn't figured out how to flip one way or the other by the time he's about seven months old and isn't showing any interest in getting around by any other means (crawling, bottom shuffling, etc.), bring it up the next time you talk to his pediatrician.

Tapi camner aku nak explain kat tok mama??
TOk mama dan Nek tok (tok aku) masih dengan kepercayaan lama
Yang kononnya if baby tak ikut step
Bila besar nanti..
entahlah.. should i worry abt this?
Tolonglah kengkawan..

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